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Winter Wonder

Writer: SMOSMO

Updated: Apr 6, 2022

A snowy sunset at the farm. We have had quite a snow week!! SB and I took a stroll to take in the winter sites. We were thrilled to catch this amazing sunset this week and wanted to share with you. Sunsets are our time of reflection on the day's lessons. What did we learn today? How did we grow? What can we give thanks for today? This week we have been thankful for each others' company and good food. I love to cook in the cold and SB and I have tried new dishes and techniques in the kitchen this week. We also wrapped up reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe which of course called for having to watch the movie!

Our stroll through the snow reminds us that winter is nearly over. We are only a month's time out from spring and again we will see the green grass and flowers. For now we are thankful that the snow has taught us to be patient and to be still. It's been nice to be home with such a wonderland to admire. To everyone that must be out, be safe and, of course, enjoy your snow days!


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