Let us introduce you to Jim, our bus. His name is inspired by Jim Morrison-one of my very favorite artists of all time. SB has grown to love Jim Morrison through our time together, and once we decided we were going to live in "the blue bus", we knew "Jim" was a perfect fit.
I've had so many vehicles over all my years of touring. I've ridden in million dollar buses, and even owned a few different tour buses myself. I've traveled in SUVs, Sprinter Vans, RVs, you name it. Jim is unique. He's the bus that SB and I found together, after several tough business decisions and so many changes in the industry, Jim just seemed like the perfect fit for what we needed on the road. After getting Jim and touring a little, I knew that I wanted so much more for Jim and his journey with me and SB. He would become our new home. We decided back in 2018 that we would start our goal of working to our dream of one day living in Jim full time on the road.
I toured in the bus for about a year before SB quit her job to work for me. We spent 2019 on the road together in Jim. Getting to be on the road side by side made our relationship grow so much stronger. We fell in love even more. We passed the miles between shows planning the layout for the bus home and picking points of interest on our way.

-Pic taken at a rest stop somewhere on the road. We are so happy together, especially when we are on adventures!
When touring came to a halt in 2020, we had to put the bus plans on hold for a while. But by the end of 2020, Jim was headed on to Phase I of his construction. We are so excited for what the future holds! We will keep you updated on his progress! -SMO